The bodies of the FOOD4WA Network are

  • The General Assembly (GA)
  • The Coordinating office
  • The Ad’hoc Structures

a) Composition
The General Assembly is composed of:

  • All CEA founding members of the Network
  • All the adherent members of the Network

b) Authority and Powers
The General Assembly is the supreme authority of all the bodies of the FOOD4WA Network. It is the supreme body of all the FOOD4WA Network bodies. It has the authority to decide on all matters concerning the Network.
Each member of the Network has one vote.

The GA has the following powers:
. Approve the rules of procedure of the General Assembly
i. Approve and ratify all policies, agreements, protocols, statutes, budgets, financial plans, financial statements, audit reports, and set membership fees upon recommendation of the Coordinating Office;
ii. Receive, review, and approve the report of the Coordinating Body;
iii. Appoint the coordinating CEA of the Network every two years.
iv. Approve the appointment of the Coordinator of the Coordinating Office;
v. Delegate to the Coordinating Body the authority for the efficient and effective implementation of the approved programs of the Network;
vi. Consider applications for membership as well as resignation, suspension, expulsion of members

c) Functions
The General Assembly has the following functions:

vii. Supervises the efficient conduct of the functions of the Coordinating Body;
viii. Serves as a platform for the identification and discussion of critical agricultural research and development issues;
ix. Monitors and evaluates the work of the Coordinating Body through specialized ad hoc committees that report to the General Assembly
x. Assumes all other functions necessary for the fulfillment of the mission of the network,

d) Meetings of the General Assembly
The General Assembly shall meet in one ordinary session annually and in extraordinary sessions when necessary.
The Chairperson of each General Assembly is elected on the first day of the ordinary assembly and presides over all the sessions of the said body for a renewable term of one year.
The minutes and deliberations of the General Assembly are signed by the Chairperson of the said General Assembly and kept in the archives of the Network’s headquarters.

e) Ordinary Sessions of the General Assembly
i. Periodicity
The ordinary sessions of the General Assembly are held once a year. The date of the sessions is set for the second half of September of each year.
The ordinary sessions of the General Assembly can be held at the FOOD4WA Network headquarters in Lomé, Togo, or at any other place chosen.
ii. Quorum
At any meeting of the General Assembly, a quorum is reached when more than 75% of the Network members are present.
iii. Notification of General Assembly Meetings
At least two months before the date of the General Assembly meetings, a notification of the meeting and an agenda are sent in writing to each member of the network. The Coordinating Body proposes the agenda, which will be submitted for validation at the GA.

iv. Decisions
Decisions of the ordinary session of the General Assembly are taken by consensus and, failing that, by a simple majority vote.
In case of a tie, the Chairperson has the casting vote.
v. Designation of the members of the Coordinating Body
The appointment of the Center in charge of the coordination of the Network and of the Coordinator shall be made by consensus and in turn every two years. The Coordinating Body shall be composed of members of the CEA involved in the Network.

f) Extraordinary Sessions of the General Assembly.
i. Convocation of the extraordinary sessions of the General Assembly
Extraordinary sessions of the General Assembly may be convened in exceptional circumstances or to consider matters relating to a change in the Statutes.
ii. Notice of Extraordinary Sessions
The notice of an extraordinary session of the General Assembly shall be written and sent by e-mail by the coordinator of the Coordinating OBody at least one month before the date of the said session. The agenda of the special session shall be indicated in the letter of notification of the meeting. The holding of extraordinary sessions of the General Assembly can be requested by two thirds of the members of the network.
iii. Quorum
An extraordinary session of the General Assembly must be attended by at least three-quarters of the CEA members; if this is not the case, another extraordinary session shall be convened.
In this case, the session shall be held regardless of the number of members present.

a) Composition

  • The Coordinating Body is composed of nine (9) persons, as follows
    • a President of the Network, who is elected for a period of one year renewable once among the directors of the Network’s center. He/she presides over all the activities of the Network.
    • An Administrative Secretary elected for two years, renewable once: he/she centralizes all the documentation related to the network’s activities. He/she is also in charge of the staff management, the network’s accounting, the drafting of administrative documents, and other activities entrusted to him/her.
    • a Representative of each of the 7 centers: he/she gives orientations about the mission assigned to each center.
  • The coordinating body is assisted by:
    • a Communication Officer from the same center as the Administrative Secretary of the Network: he/she animates the Network’s platform;
    • a Financial Officer from the same center as the Network’s Administrative Secretary: he/she ensures the financial management of the resources allocated to/generated by the network.

The functionality of this setup can be reviewed if necessary.

b) Mandate
Except the President, the other elected members of the Coordinating Body serve for a period of two (2) years renewable once.
In the event of a vacancy, the Coordinating Body shall co-opt a member until the next General Assembly, which then ratifies the appointment of the said member.
The Coordinating Body of the Network shall be in charge of elaborating and disseminating the general orientations of the Network as well as supervising the Network.

c) Meetings
The Coordinating Body shall meet at least twice (2) a year. The President of the Network chairs all meetings of the Network’s Coordinating Body, but decisions shall be made by consensus. Coordinating meetings may be held on a rotating basis at the Network’s member centers.

The meetings of the Coordinating Body are convened by the President or at the request of two-thirds of the members of the Body.

The quorum for meetings of the Coordinating Body is two-thirds of the members. The decisions of the Coordinating Board shall be made by consensus or, if necessary, by a simple majority vote. In the event of a tie, the coordinator shall have the casting vote.

The Coordinating Body may invite observers to its meetings who, however, have no voting or decision-making rights.

The minutes of the Coordinating Body are signed by the Coordinator and kept by the Permanent Secretary.

Through a network of closely linked partners, the FOOD4WA Network Coordinating Body aims to work for food security in Africa and free the continent from external dependence on food. The structure will ensure quality assurance and research that meets international standards and will consist of a network coordination and secretariat.

i. The Coordinating Body has broad powers to act on behalf of the General Assembly in accordance with the Statutes of the Association.
ii. proposes the agenda of the General Assembly and acts on behalf of the Network on all matters requiring immediate action;
iii. submits to the General Assembly for approval and ratification policies, programs, budgets, financial statements, audit reports, contract agreements, protocols, statutes, new memberships, and membership dues;
iv. reviews the status of members and initiates actions to exclude or suspend members in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the Statutes;
v. authorizes any purchase, lease, loan or borrowing necessary for the efficient operation of the network;
vi. reviews and approves the Annual Work Program and Budget;
vii. approves the technical reports and annual financial reports for submission to the General Assembly;
viii. delegate authority to the Coordinator to oversee the day-to-day operations of the Network and the implementation of the General Assembly decisions;
ix. executes any other appropriate function to implement the guidelines received from the General Assembly in the performance of the network’s mission.

TheseStatutes can only be amended by the General Assembly in its extraordinary session when three-quarters of the members of the FOOD4WA Network are present.

In the event that it is determined that the FOOD4WA Network is no longer able, for legitimate reasons, to function normally, it will be dissolved by a three-fourths majority vote of all voting members of theNetwork.

In the event of dissolution, the General Assembly shall by resolution appoint a liquidator with powers to proceed with the valuation of the assets and the repayment of the liabilities of the Network.

The remaining assets of the FOOD4WA Network will be transferred to an Association with similar programs and the same objectives as the FOOD4WA Network in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.

How the assets of the FOOD4WA Network shall be disposed of shall be outlined in the resolution for the dissolution of the Network.

Internal regulations detailing the provisions of this Statute will be drafted to complete it.

This Statute is written in both French and English. However, in the case of litigation or any other activity requiring its use for legality and legitimacy, reference is made to the French version.


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